Carbon-Neutrality by 2050 – Can it be done?May 17, 2022Frank Came0 Likes Building Resilience, NewsCement and concrete are the foundations upon which our modern society and our economic wellbeing are based. The question is not whether we can achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 but how it will be done. CONTINUE READING
Climate change is a threat we cannot ignore. It’s also an opportunity to secure our futureMarch 2, 2022PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, NewsIPCC issues a sobering assessment of how vulnerable we are to the hazards we will face over the next two decades. CONTINUE READING
The fastest population growth in the West’s wildland-urban interface is in areas most vulnerable to wildfiresFebruary 9, 2022PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, NewsDevelopment in areas bordering wildlands face some of the highest risks for wildfires. CONTINUE READING
Insurance isn’t enough: Governments need to do better on natural disaster resilienceJanuary 6, 2022PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, News, OpinionInsurance company Munich Re notes that countries with greater insurance coverage are more resilient to natural disasters. CONTINUE READING
A personal message from William Larson. Chair of the Pacific Northwest Building Resilience CoalitionDecember 22, 2021William Larson0 Likes Building ResilienceTo my friends. colleagues, and associates, I wish to share with you a few thoughts as this year draws to a close. CONTINUE READING