Building the Resilient Infrastructure Needed for the FutureJuly 24, 2019Frank Came0 Likes News“Making a decision to invest in infrastructure is not just a decision. It is a commitment to the future.” CONTINUE READING
Concrete Buildings Emerge as Major Storehouses of Carbon from the AtmosphereJune 26, 2019PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, News, ResearchConcrete in the built environment reabsorbs atmospheric carbon CONTINUE READING
Carbon to burn: Net-zero emissions pledge undermined by biomass energyJune 20, 2019PNBRC1 Likes News, Opinion, ResearchThe biomass loophole must be dealt with, The risk is too real to ignore. CONTINUE READING
Tool for tracking GHGs in buildings has “built in” errors: studyApril 3, 2019PNBRC1 Likes News, Policy, ResearchCarbon accounting practices need improvements, may misdirect efforts to reduce emissions CONTINUE READING
Think Again! B.C. Government Urged to Rethink Tall Wood PolicyMarch 18, 2019PNBRC1 Likes Building Resilience, News, Opinion, Policy, ResearchBC Government Needs to Make Wood Building Safety a Priority CONTINUE READING