The EPA says burning wood to generate power is ‘carbon-neutral.’ Is that true?May 16, 2018PNBRC0 Likes News, Policy, ResearchProducing electricity by burning wood now costs more than wind or solar power, making biomass only economically viable with large subsidies. CONTINUE READING
EPA Declares Burning Wood Is Carbon NeutralApril 30, 2018PNBRC0 Likes News, Policy, ResearchDecision announced even before Agency’s Science Advisory Board completes its work on biomass burning. CONTINUE READING
Using Combustible Materials Cost LivesApril 9, 2018PNBRC3 Likes Building Resilience, News, PolicyEditorial for Fire Prevention Officers’ Association of British Columbia Publication, FireAway CONTINUE READING
Governments must promote transformative innovations for a low carbon, climate resilient futureFebruary 13, 2018Frank Came1 Likes Building Resilience, News, PolicyCanada’s Clean Growth strategy for the built environment must look to the future it wants – a low carbon, climate resilient future CONTINUE READING