How an ‘atmospheric river’ drenched British Columbia and led to floods and mudslidesNovember 18, 2021PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, News, ResearchMoisture-associated weather systems can reach anywhere between southeast Alaska and Northern California. CONTINUE READING
Concrete’s role in reducing building and pavement emissionsSeptember 17, 2021PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, News, ResearchMIT researchers find emissions of U.S. buildings and pavements can be reduced by around 50 percent even as concrete use increases. CONTINUE READING
Unravelling carbon uptake in concrete pavementsJanuary 28, 2021PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, News, ResearchCarbon uptake by concrete pavements offset cement production emissions CONTINUE READING
Concrete – the World’s Most Widely Used Material – Targets Carbon Neutral FutureSeptember 1, 2020Frank Came0 Likes Building Resilience, News, Research Global Cement and Concrete Association outlines '2050 climate ambition' to tackle global challenge CONTINUE READING
Reducing the carbon footprint of the built environmentJuly 15, 2020PNBRC1 Likes News, Opinion, ResearchThe cement and concrete industries are working to lower the carbon footprint of the Built Environment CONTINUE READING