A new CONCRETE – Build for Life microsite is now live. It showcases concrete’s benefits in a very simple, highly visual way, focusing on the following key themes from our value proposition:
- Build for a low carbon future
- Build for resilience
- Build for lasting value
- Shape tomorrow’s buildings
- Build low carbon, climate resilient infrastructure
- Build lasting, sustainable roads
- More key facts infographics (climate change partner; lowering our carbon footprint; concrete innovations; concrete’s energy efficiency; and reducing GHGs from our roads)
Content highlights include compelling new case studies and videos supporting our story, notably:
- A new case study (in French and English) and video (in English) on Manitoba Hydro Place, positioning concrete’s essential role in achieving the building’s impressive energy efficiency and sustainability performance
- A new case study (in French and English) and video (in French) on the Maison du développement durable (MDDD) / Centre for Sustainable Development, also focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability.
- A new case study on beautiful and innovative design featuring the stunning, award-winning Broad Museum (in both languages)
- Coming before the end of the month: A new video on resilience and climate change adaptation, featuring Dr. Blair Feltmate, Chair, Intact Centre for Climate Action, University of Waterloo, and highlighting concrete’s contribution to the resilience of our structures.
The microsite is well integrated with the Rediscover Concrete portal, linking directly to the portal’s homepage and relevant secondary pages, while the portal’s homepage features a banner promoting the CONCRETE | Build for life microsite.
The portal remains the primary resource for in-depth information about the industry’s and concrete’s contributions to a sustainable, low carbon, climate resilient future.
Check out this new resource and share it with your colleagues and friends.