Designing for Resiliency – The Path to a More Sustainable Future

2 years ago

Designing the built environment to withstand the impacts of climate change and natural disasters is critical to our future survival,…

The Building Resilience Coa;iotion is in Boise, Idaho

2 years ago

Designing infrastructure for resilience is essential in creating a more climate-friendly and sustainable built environment.

Carbon Neutral Concrete by 2050

2 years ago

The world’s leading cement and concrete companies are working to drive down the CO2 footprint of their operations and products…

Concrete is fundamental to building a better world

2 years ago

“Cement and concrete are vital for the modern world, and there is no time to lose in reaching net zero.”

Canada releases first national-level disaster risk assessment

2 years ago

In recent years, Canadians have seen extreme weather events, like floods and wildland fires, destroy homes, businesses, and critical infrastructure.