Earthquakes and other natural hazards are a risk everywhere

8 months ago

Some places are more prone to hazards such as earthquakes, flooding and hurricanes, but there’s nowhere where the risk is…

3D printing promises to transform architecture forever

8 months ago

3D printing promises to transform architecture forever – and create forms that blow today’s buildings out of the water

From Our Archives – The World has Changed. Now What?

9 months ago

Americans recently received a sobering reminder that the world has changed forever. That fact has far-reaching implications for the industries…

Designing for Resilience

9 months ago

As a society, we are just beginning to design our infrastructure for what major environmental changes we may experience in…

Canadians are unprepared for natural hazards. Here’s what we can do about it

9 months ago

Over the last year, Canada has made important progress toward making it easier for people to determine if they’re at…