Sustainability and Resiliency


Sustainability has become a major theme in public policy and business planning over the past several generations.

In the wake of devastating climate-related disasters – hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, power outages, and extreme weather incidents – more attention is now being paid to ensuring that our buildings and related infrastructure – bridges, roadways, dams, communications facilities – are capable of withstanding and recovering from extreme climate-related incidents.

With so much of our normal life spent in the built environment – homes, schools, offices, vehicles – the choices we make in how we design, build and manage the built environment is critical to ensuring sustainability and resiliency. They are also critical factors in preventing injuries or death and reducing economic and social disruption.

Reducing our vulnerabilities to disaster is now part of the fabric of sustainability.

The Building Resiliency Coalition believes we all have a role to play in ‘Building Better Buildings’ and in ensuring that our communities not only are more sustainable but also more resilient.

Our research findings are available throughout this website and our members are prepared to work with you to build a more resilient future.