A Brutal Assault on ConcreteFebruary 27, 2019PNBRC1 Likes News, Opinion, ResearchThe Guardian description of Concrete as the most destructive material on Earth misses the point completely CONTINUE READING
What is the Value of Mitigation Against Natural Disasters?January 15, 2019PNBRC0 Likes News, ResearchDesigning Buildings to withstand Natural Disasters pays great dividends CONTINUE READING
Why do we demolish buildings instead of deconstructing them for re-use?October 14, 2018PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, NewsDismantling buildings piece by piece to preserve the reusable parts within keeps materials out of landfills and creates more jobs that demolition. CONTINUE READING
Three in Four Americans Think Tall Wood is Threat to Public Safety – PollAugust 14, 2018PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, NewsStrong, Widespread Concern Raised by Proposals to Expand High-Rise Construction Using Wood CONTINUE READING
Defending the Most Sustainable Construction Material: Our Response to CNN’s Portrayal of ConcreteJune 29, 2018PNBRC3 Likes Building Resilience, News, OpinionA recent CNN article's conclusions are not supported by the literature concerning concrete sustainability or recent calculations of embodied carbon and energy associated with concrete construction CONTINUE READING