Building Resilience Coalition to Sponsor Keynote Speaker at Spokane SummitJuly 16, 2018PNBRC1 Likes Building Resilience, News, PeopleWe need to rethink how we build our cities and towns to make them more resilient to hazards thought impossible only a decade ago. CONTINUE READING
The Building Resilience Coalition is going to SpokaneJune 21, 2018PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, Finance, News, Policy, ResearchBuilding Resilience Coalition is to sponsor a keynote address by Evan Reis, Executive Director and Co-Founder of the U.S. Resiliency Council CONTINUE READING
Resiliency is No. 1 Construction Trend for 2018January 8, 2018PNBRC0 Likes Building Resilience, NewsA new focus on resiliency is to be expected after the most damaging hurricane season on record and devastating fires in California. CONTINUE READING